This is what Lamp's stand will look like at L+B 2020, will you come see us? | LAMP

This is what Lamp's stand will look like at L+B 2020, will you come see us?

Feb 12 2020

Once again, we are on the verge of a new edition of Light+Building. This time we will use a space that will impress you. Do you want to learn more about it? Let us tell you about it.

The big news about our stand this year is that we are located right next to the one we had last year: Hall 3.1 Stand D70, a whole island that we will be sharing with our colleagues from Nordeon Group: Schmitz | Wila.

We will explain our novelties to our visitors, from three main axes in the different areas of our stand:

#WorktitudeForWellbeing – where we will talk about the impact light can have on people through different technologies such as LED WELL-BEING or MULTISPECTRAL LIGHT.

In collaboration with LEDMOTIVE, we will explain and give you the opportunity to experiment with multispectral lighting, a technology that breaks with the traditional lighting paradigm. We will design our own light spectrum by customising all the variables that define the spectrum (not only CCT and intensity).

On the other hand, we will present different lighting solutions for new workspace concepts. Through an analysis of the users' needs, we have considered two types of work spaces:

  1. The space for nomads, closely linked to the concepts of 'domestication' and 'hospitalisation' of work spaces, where a domestic style is adopted without compromising the technical requirements of architectural lighting.
    Spaces designed to attract talent that require lighting focused on comfort and well-being, creating a welcoming atmosphere and promoting sustainable environments, without neglecting technical aspects and good lighting control. Stormbell 80 and Stormbell 80 System are our solution for these spaces.
  1. The space for residents, which fosters collaboration and creativity, is a space that enables the customisation of the space according to the user's preference and the needs of the task to be performed, where lighting is an element as dynamic as the needs of users.
    Our classic Lamptub luminaire has been reinvented in Lamptub 60, which in combination with Hance Lens, provides a lighting solution that can be adapted to the changes that space and users require.

#WorktitudeForLife – at our outdoor lighting area, we will present the Duit system, which deals with outdoor lighting under the living centric light concept, minimising environmental impact, both from a lighting point of view and in terms of its materials and design concept. It is a solution with a holistic approach to lighting that covers architectural, environmental and route lighting needs.

Regarding this #WorktitudeForLife concept, you can also learn about the study on the application of new sustainable and recyclable materials that Lamp is developing.

#WorktitudeForInnovation – You have to come and visit our Spectral Room for an interactive experience with the spectral light. We will not tell you more... dare to try it!

We hope to have aroused your curiosity to know all these novelties and see you soon in Frankfurt. Oh, and remember, this year Hall 3.1 Stand D70.

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